
Keystone Today

Friday, March 14, 2025

Stenstrom: Up to 70,000 ballots in Delaware County unaccounted for


A Navy vet and poll watcher says there were as many as 70,000 ballots in Delaware County that were unaccounted for.

Gregory Stenstrom said while observing in Delaware County, Pa., during the general election, he witnesses irregularities at 22 precincts.

"I was a Republican poll watcher and observer in Delaware County Pennsylvania as I previously testified before special committee for the Pennsylvania Legislature in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, last Wednesday," Stenstrom said during a press conference for The Amistad Project. "I'm a citizen ... former commanding and executive officer in the Navy ... a veteran of Foreign Wars, a data scientist and an expert in security and fraud."

Stenstrom said he noticed poll workers giving voters regular ballots instead of provisional ballots when records had indicated that those voters had requested mail-in ballots.

"But what I observed at the centralized Delaware County Vote Counting Center when I arrived there at 6 p.m. and then over the next three days was a forensically destructive process that involved mail-in ballots and USB v-card ballots,” Stenstrom said.

Stenstrom said that despite having all of the valid credentials, it was five hours before he could gain entry to the main counting room and it was three days before he was able to secure a court order to observe the sequestered rooms for five minutes every two hours to observe ballots.

“Election officials in charge of operations refused to let me or other credentialed observers inside the room even though we had every right to enter,” Stenstrom said. “There were disturbing pieces of protocol taking place in plain sight.  At one point I saw unsecured USB vCard drives from voting machines being separated from their company and cartridges and paper tapes and commingled together by election workers.”

Stenstrom said those actions destroyed any ability to audit and it corrupted the chain of custody.

“Formal objections to … election officials and law enforcement officers that were present went unanswered,” Stenstrom said. “Later, I saw the voting machine warehouse supervisor for Delaware County carrying in unseen unsealed bags of unsecured USB v-card drives which he inexplicably preceded the plug into computers ... and upload into the official vote tally.”

Stenstrom said there were 47 USB v-cards missing and there were as many as 70,000 ballots that weren’t counted and were in a back room.

“My questions then and now remain; where the ballots come from? Where did these mail-in ballots come from and where do they go?” Stenstrom said.