
Keystone Today

Monday, October 7, 2024

Kelly: Revoking Keystone Pipeline permit has consequences


Rep. Mike Kelly | Facebook

Rep. Mike Kelly | Facebook

Sharing the story of a Midland, South Dakota, hotel owner, U.S. Rep. Mike Kelly said that stopping the Keystone XL Pipeline also means stopping people’s livelihood. 

“President Biden caving to the far left has serious consequences for working families,” Kelly wrote on Twitter after sharing Rep. Kevin McCarthy's featured story on his website. “This story highlights real people whose lives were upended when he halted construction of the Keystone pipeline.”

Laurie Cox, owner of the Stroppel Hotel, shared her situation with republicanleader. gov.

She said it has been difficult since Biden revoked Keystone’s permit. Her hotel is situated along the path of the Keystone XL pipeline project, an advantage to them as they host employees traveling from town to town for the project. 

Cox recalled the day they received the news. 

She said “my heart dropped” when I saw the workers returning from the site. “These are guys who now have to go face their wives,” Cox said. “They have to face the uncertainty that they don’t know where their next job is.” 

It wasn’t just the workers who have been affected by the ceasing of the project, Cox’s small business was impacted too. “It was like a death in the family,” she said.