
Keystone Today

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Toomey scolds nominees for Fed Board of Governors: They 'aren’t being nominated for dog catcher'

Pat toomey  8566339182

U.S. Sen. Pat Toomey (R- PA) | Wikimedia Commons/Gage Skidmore

U.S. Sen. Pat Toomey (R- PA) | Wikimedia Commons/Gage Skidmore

U.S. Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA) criticized what he felt was sloppy paperwork of two of President Joe Biden’s nominees for the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.

Toomey, the ranking member of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, wanted more details from Sarah Bloom Raskin and Lisa Cook, but he says they failed to thoroughly fill out their questionnaires to Toomey's satisfaction prior to an appearance before the Committee on Feb. 3.

“Ms. Raskin and Professor Cook aren’t being nominated for dog catcher," Toomey was quoted as saying in a press release from the committee. "They’ve been selected for important and powerful positions at the Fed. That’s why it’s so concerning that a substantial volume of materials were not turned over to the committee until we independently discovered dozens of omissions and requested the nominees update their questionnaires.” 

Dr. Lisa Cook | Wikimedia Commons

The release said full disclosure is needed “for the committee to fully assess the fitness of individuals to serve in Senate-confirmed executive and independent agency positions. The committee requires nominees to submit their published writings, speeches and presentations, and public statements."

"All of these facts constitute shoddy compliance with the Senate confirmation process, which shows a lack of respect for Congress and raises concerns about the nominees’ willingness to comply with future congressional inquiries and oversight efforts,” Toomey said, according to the committee's press release.

Cook, Raskin and another Biden nominee, Philip Jefferson, faced the committee on Feb. 3 and were grilled on everything from their resume to past statements and letters. 

Cook is the first black woman to receive a nomination. Jefferson is also black. Either would be the first black person to serve on the Federal Reserve Board since Roger Ferguson, former vice chair of the Federal Reserve, resigned in 2006. 

Cook had her resume questioned by U.S. Sen. Bill Hagerty, (R-TN). “It seems more like social science than it does economic and monetary policy,” Hagerty said, according to The Grio.

Cook defended her record. “I specialize in managing financial crises, and I've done that in several instances," she said, according to The Grio. "At the Treasury Department, I was at the financial crisis think tank and worked closely with John Taylor (Under Secretary for International Affairs) and Secretary (Lawrence) Summers. I have publications that are related to banking reform and recognizing systemic risk. I take the research that I do and I turn it into something in the field."