Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner | Krasner For DA Campaign
Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner | Krasner For DA Campaign
The recent escalation in crime in major U.S. cities with progressive district attorneys is hitting the minority communities the hardest, according to the Capital Research Center (CRC).
And some of the blame for that, the Center argues, goes to billionaire George Soros, whose millions have backed the elections of district attorneys Kim Foxx of Chicago and Larry Krasner of Philadelphia as well as other big-city district attorneys where prosecutions have dropped off dramatically under their watch.
Soros has long been a target of conservative groups.
Nearly 38 million people live in cities under Soros-backed prosecutors, an area that CRC refers to as “Sorostan.”
“The unfortunate occupants of Sorostan are also disproportionately members of minority groups, with 15% of the African-American population and 16% of the Hispanic population living in Sorostan,” CRC’s Parker Thayer wrote. “This means that Soros and his allies have disproportionately used minority communities as test subjects for their untested criminal justice reforms.”
Thayer added “with just $29 million Soros has effectively created two systems of law in the country. [There is] one America based on hundreds of years of legal tradition and experience and another America where all norms have been thrown away in a bout of reformist fervor.”
In Pennsylvania, Senate President Jake Corman (R-Centre), a candidate for governor, asked House Republican leaders in January to begin impeachment proceedings against Krasner, who was re-elected last November.
Corman noted that since 2015 only 21% of shootings in Philadelphia have led to criminal charges. Of that small percentage, less than one-tenth of the cases have resulted in a conviction.
“The recent spike in violent crime is a direct result of DA Krasner’s failed policies and his refusal to perform the duties of his office to hold criminals accountable for the crimes that they commit,” Corman said in a letter to Pennsylvania House leaders. “His decision to allow more and more criminals to walk free through plea deals and dismissed charges has created an environment in which Philadelphians are no longer safe in their own homes and communities.”
Philadelphia’s police union, the Fraternal Order of Police, is also calling for Krasner’s impeachment, a move that his office called “political theater.”
Corman spokesman Jason Thomas said they “have not received a formal written reply from House leaders, but two weeks ago a spokesperson for House Republicans indicated they are actively examining the issue.”
House Majority Leader Kerry Benninghoff (R-Centre/Mifflin) did not immediately respond to a request for comment.