
Keystone Today

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Senate Candidate McCormick: 'Women and girls raped and murdered by illegal immigrants who shouldn't be in our country in the first place'

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David McCormick, U.S. Senate Candidate for Pennsylvania | Facebook

David McCormick, U.S. Senate Candidate for Pennsylvania | Facebook

David McCormick, a U.S. Senate candidate in Pennsylvania, stated that illegal immigrants charged with the rape and murder of young women in the U.S. "shouldn't be in our country in the first place." McCormick gave his statement to Keystone Today on June 26.

"As a father to six daughters, it breaks my heart to see young women and girls raped and murdered by illegal immigrants who shouldn't be in our country in the first place," said McCormick. "Joe Biden and Bob Casey are responsible for this human suffering. Casey voted for sanctuary cities, for mass amnesty, against the wall, and against deporting criminal illegals. Our commonwealth and country deserve a Senator who will fight to keep us safe and protect young Americans at all costs."

Two illegal immigrants from Venezuela were charged with the murder of a 12-year-old girl, Jocelyn Nungaray, in Texas, according to Fox News. Both men had been apprehended by U.S. Border Patrol at the time of their crossing and then released into the interior of the country. Additionally, a Maryland mother, Rachel Morin, was allegedly raped and murdered by Victor Martin Hernandez on August 5, 2023. Hernandez, an illegal immigrant from El Salvador, was arrested in June 2024 for her murder. He allegedly came to the United States after murdering a woman in El Salvador.

The House Homeland Security Committee released a report on these attacks. According to the Committee, the Biden administration’s termination of border policies like the Remain in Mexico policy and Title 42 has contributed to the rise in such crimes. The Committee said that current vetting processes for illegal immigrants are not "adequate" due to the "overwhelming number of daily crossings and limited resources." The recent legislative and executive actions will not address these issues and would not prevent similar tragedies in the future, according to the Committee.

According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), U.S. Border Patrol has arrested 10,337 individuals with existing criminal convictions illegally crossing to date in FY24.

McCormick is a U.S. Army veteran running for U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania, according to his campaign website.