
Keystone Today

Saturday, December 21, 2024

River Valley High School Principal says CNX Mentorship Academy has given students 'well-paying jobs and meaningful careers'

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Mike Leasure, River Valley High School Principal | River Valley High School

Mike Leasure, River Valley High School Principal | River Valley High School

The CNX Mentorship Academy celebrated its latest class of graduates at PNC Park this week. In a region historically plagued by economic downturns and dwindling job opportunities, the academy is creating a new pathway to success for young people by connecting them with high-paying jobs in their own communities.

According to a release from Digital Wildcatters, the CNX Mentorship Academy is an initiative aimed at transforming the career prospects of students from Appalachia. Through partnerships with local companies and institutions, the academy offers students hands-on experience and one-on-one mentorship, equipping them with the skills needed to thrive in industries such as energy, manufacturing, and the building trades.

“Growing up in the area, it was a coal region. Now it’s shifted towards natural gas. That’s an opportunity for kids now,” Mike Leasure, River Valley High School Principal said in a video. “Some kids go to college, some kids just go straight into work. But in that area, there’s not many paying jobs right there. But that’s where this CNX mentorship has tied some of our students into these, well-paying jobs and meaningful careers.”

One of the most powerful aspects of the CNX Mentorship Academy is its scalability. The program’s blueprint is open-source, meaning that other communities across the country can replicate its success. 

“There is no ‘secret sauce.’ Everything is wide open to either join along or copy so this can be copied and scaled in Colorado or in Texas or anywhere else where you would want to duplicate this,“ said Nick DeIuliis, CEO of CNX Resources. “It's also designed to scale up so if there is another individual entity or company or mentor that wants to join the effort. Right now, scaling I think is our our current challenge.”

For more information about the CNX Mentorship Academy and how to get involved, visit the CNX Resources website.